My boyfriend just quit his job to create his own job, developing an online game. To encourage him, I made a green dino cake:

He liked the cake so much, he asked me o make a "red dragon" for his upcoming birthday. I made a prototype which looked like a cross combo of the pink panther and a racoon:

I'll try harder to make it look like a dragon on his birthday. Green dino was made of chocolate cake and butter-cream frosting. Red dragon was made of chocolate cake and marzipan.

He liked the cake so much, he asked me o make a "red dragon" for his upcoming birthday. I made a prototype which looked like a cross combo of the pink panther and a racoon:
I'll try harder to make it look like a dragon on his birthday. Green dino was made of chocolate cake and butter-cream frosting. Red dragon was made of chocolate cake and marzipan.
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